# How to Contribute

# Repo

All work is done on https://github.com/eideasy/eideasy-browser-jsopen in new window.

# Semantic Versioning

eideasy-browser-js follows semantic versioningopen in new window

# Branches

Make all pull requests directly against the master branchopen in new window. Keep in mind that the master branch should always be in a releasable state as we might want to release a new minor version from the tip of the master at any time.

# Committing Changes

Commit messages should follow the conventional commits convention so that changelogs can be automatically generated. We use commitizenopen in new window along with cz-conventional-changelogopen in new window to make following the convention easier.

# Development Setup

# Prerequisites

# Setup Guide

  1. Clone the repo: https://github.com/eideasy/eideasy-browser-jsopen in new window
  2. Open the cloned project in a new terminal window
  3. Run yarn to install the dependencies
  4. Run yarn build to create a production build For other available commands see: package.jsonopen in new window

# Bugs

We are using GitHub Issuesopen in new window to keep track of our public bugs.

# How to Get in Touch